Tuesday 1 March 2016

Toasters replaced by NutriBullets as the wedding gift of choice

John Lewis reveals that couples are becoming more extravagant in their tastes as trendy gadgets push the value of gift lists up to £20,000

from Weird News - Funny and strange news - How About That http://telegraph.feedsportal.com/c/32726/f/568330/s/4df67fe6/sc/23/l/0L0Stelegraph0O0Cnews0Cshopping0Eand0Econsumer0Enews0C121794140CToasters0Ereplaced0Eby0ENutriBullets0Eas0Ethe0Ewedding0Egift0Eof0Echoice0Bhtml/story01.htm

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